Village Hall & Church Fundraiser Update

Village Hall & Church Fundraiser Update

Many thanks to all who supported the Village Hall and Church coffee morning and afternoon tea on Saturday.

Congratulations go to Tania and to Pam, who both won a Christmas hamper in the raffle.

The total raised so far for All Saints Church is £365 and the Christmas cards sold out, however more can be ordered for a limited time, so please contact Yvette Wellard if you would like some more either directly if you have her contact details, or through the website via the All Saints Church link by clicking here

The total raised so far for the Village Hall is £133 having taken calendar costs into account.   There are still some Barnby-in-the-Willows 2016 calendars available from Vicki Appleby or Yvette Wellard at a cost of £5 each, but don’t delay as once they’re gone they’re gone!  The same contact link can be used via the All Saints Church link as above.

Church roof repairs are GO!

Church roof repairs are GO!

At last, the work has started on repairing All Saints Church roof!

It is anticipated that the roof repair will take approximately 16 weeks, assuming that the roof timbers are still sound following inspection. Fundraising is ongoing and currently stands at £52,263 which is fantastic but we need more!

Church Warden & Treasurer Yvette Wellard detailed in the last paper edition of the Barnby News, that the revised quote for repairs had come in at £43,051 + VAT. This quote is to cover the whole roof in terne-coated steel and assumes that the roof timbers are still sound. The cast iron rainwater guttering and downpipes were also badly damaged which will cost a further £12,500 and there are the additional costs of architects fees and temporary roof coverings.

Of the seventeen charities contacted by Church Warden Yvonne Hewitt, there are still a number of replies outstanding. Some of these charities are charitable trusts that only meet once or twice a year, so it will take time for all the responses to come through, but of the £52,263 raised, £19,750 has come from donations pledged (£16,500 not yet received) by these charities so far.

The response from the community has been amazing with fundraising ranging from coffee mornings to summer concerts and parties, knitting to singing. The BBQ event held by the Willow Tree pub raised in excess of £1,100.  Additionally John & Sheila Reid recently celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary and requested donations in lieu of gifts which raised over £1600!  All this together with gift aided personal donations, has been a fantastic help, THANK YOU!

However, we need to keep going as there is currently no contingency fund to cover unexpected problems and there are always unexpected problems when dealing with repairs to buildings such as this!  Apart from unexpected problems, the damp caused by being without a roof for so long has taken its toll on the internal plasterwork which will need attention after the roof has been fixed.  So with that in mind, please don’t forget to come along to the fundraising coffee morning & afternoon tea this Saturday 21st November, for further details click here

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin,000££52263 raised52,263££52263 raised80%


Scaffolding being erected, which should be finished by the weekend.
Scaffolding being erected, which will take several days before the inspection can begin of the roof timbers.


Help Barnby out, when you checkout online this Christmas!

Help Barnby out, when you checkout online this Christmas!

Easyfundraising is a great, free way to support either Barnby Village Hall, or All Saints Church.  Do you do your supermarket shopping online?  Do you order goods at work from online retailers?   Are you ordering your Christmas presents online from Amazon?  If so you can help!

Click here to go to village hall easyfundraising good cause page, or click here to go to the All Saints church easyfundraising good cause page.  Once you’ve registered and decided which good cause you want to support, you just select the online shop you wish to buy from on the Easyfundraising site and they will take you there where you shop as usual, but Easyfundraising can claim from the retailer.  Happy shopping!

Help out Barnby when you check out online, with most retailers, from Ebay/Amazon to Asda/Sainsbury's.


Proposed Wind Farm Update – November 2015

Proposed Wind Farm Update – November 2015

If you haven’t already sent your objection to the industrial-scale wind farm proposed for Fulbeck Airfield, you are not too late! South Kesteven District Council initially set a time limit of October 2nd for comments from the public, but they have had to extend this period because of the size and complexity of the application. As a result, it is unlikely that the proposal will be decided before Spring 2016, and comments from the public will be considered right up until the decision is made.


Wintry view will be ruined if wind turbines go ahead.
One example of a beautiful wintry countryside view right here on our doorstep, which will be ruined by wind turbines dominating the horizon. Taken slightly to the right of the footpath accessed from Back Lane.


It’s particularly important that local people make their views clear. The government is putting more and more emphasis on affected local communities, in deciding whether or not a scheme such as this should go ahead. An overwhelming majority of those living nearest to the turbines have already objected, but make no mistake – these turbines WILL affect people in Barnby as well. As you drive, cycle, ride or walk around the local area, the turbines will dominate the landscape. Ten 110 metre high turbines will be highly visible and will change forever the views eastwards out of the village. So please, make your objection now.

In what could be viewed as an attempt to influence the Council in favour of the scheme, it would appear that Energiekontor are offering the Lincolnshire Kart-track association (based on the airfield) a package including complete re-surfacing of the track, provision of lighting and electrical supply on site. This apparently generous offer means that hundreds of keen karters will be writing to South Kesteven District Council in support of the wind farm. Apart from their enthusiasm for karting, they have one other thing in common – very few of them live locally. Is it right that people from as far away as Scotland should have a say in the positioning of a wind farm here? Shouldn’t it be the people who will see the turbines every day?

You can look at the application on the SKDC website, http:/ search , application reference S15/1764.
You can comment online, or write to N.Bryan, SKDC Council Offices, St Peter’s Hill, Grantham, NG31 6PZ. Be sure to include the planning ref: S15/1764.

Please send your comments now – make your voice heard!

Please Report Any Suspicious Activity

Please Report Any Suspicious Activity

In the last week there have been 2 incidents of criminal activity in the village.

  • Overnight on 23rd September, a car was “keyed” whilst parked on the driveway.
  • Overnight on 26th September, 2 stone troughs were stolen from the front garden of a property on Front Street.


PCSO 8128 Mike Munro is part of the Rural Notts Police team covering Barnby in the Willows.  He can be contacted on 07595074234.

The Rural Notts Police team can also be contacted on 101 Ext 809 7660 or by email, click here

It’s also a good time to remember to ensure you keep your shed secure:


Raise funds for Barnby whilst you shop!

Raise funds for Barnby whilst you shop!

Help to raise funds for Barnby Village Hall and/or All Saints Church when you shop either online or instore, via

Most large retailers are registered with Easyfundraising, simply click either the Village Hall photo, or All Saints Church photo below, to go to the page on the Easyfundraising site and register, then simply search for the retailer you want to use and hit the green button, it’s simple and every penny raised goes directly to the good cause with no fees!  If you wish to learn more about how Easyfundraising works, feel free to watch the short youtube video at the bottom of this page.

If you have any questions please use the contact us link at the top of each page on this website and let us know!


(Clicking the photos below will open a new window on the Easyfundraising website)

Easyfundraising - Barnby Village Hall

Easyfundraising All Satints Church

Proposed Wind Farm – Latest

Proposed Wind Farm – Latest

Proposed wind farm – latest news article is detailed below and is due to be printed in the latest paper edition of Barnby News:

Industrial Scale Wind Farm at Fulbeck Airfield.

A planning application has been submitted by EnergieKontor for a ten x 110m (361ft) turbine wind farm at Fulbeck Airfield which will affect a huge area of our countryside. Following a successful campaign against the Temple Hill Wind Farm, reVOLT and VETO have joined forces to fight this application. The Government is closing one of the finance schemes for wind farms, but another is still running and EnergieKontor clearly hopes to pick up the remaining subsidies as less aggressive developers abandon the market. However, the Government has also introduced new planning guidance which places greater emphasis on consultation with local communities and their concerns.


Montage of proposed wind farm viewed from Barnby, taken from planning application

EnergieKontor seems determined to ignore this guidance, but it does mean that local objections from individuals and councils will have a key role in this case, so it is important that people make their voice heard.

The application is now on the SKDC website,, application reference S15/1764.

Anyone wishing to make representations can do so by any of the methods listed below. Be sure to include the planning application ref: S15/1764

– Write to: South Kesteven District Council at Council Offices, St Peter’s Hill, Grantham, NG316PZ;
– email: 
– comment online:  ref: S15/1764

To be received no later than 2nd October 2015.


31st Horticultural Show

31st Horticultural Show

​Thanks and well done to all who exhibited at or supported what was a very enjoyable Barnby in the Willows 31st Horticultural Show.
Many thanks also to the Village Hall Committee for all their hard work.
The cup winners for each Section of the horticultural show were:
  • Fruit and vegetables – Graham Bett
  • Flowers – Peggy Harwood
  • Preserves – Lillian Bett
  • Baking – Margaret Clarke
  • Children’s section age 0-8 – Kate Handley
    age 9+  – Phoebe Shaw
  • Photographic – Janine Stanley
  • Handicrafts – Margaret Clarke
  • BEST IN SHOW – Lillian Bett
£117 was raised for the Village Hall.
The next Village Hall fund raising event is a History Talk and quiz game presented by Rodney Cousins,
with cheese and wine, on Saturday 19 September at 7:30pm £5 per person (1st glass of wine included).

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The Story of a 1940 Barnby Hero re-told

The Story of a 1940 Barnby Hero re-told

We’ve received this amazing story about the heroic act of a local Barnby resident in 1940. We would like to thank John Berge for sharing this story with us about his grandfather (Ted Streets).  John still has the inscribed gold pocket watch given to Ted Streets by the rescued pilot’s parents and presented by the Air Council. Please see the picture gallery below that helps bring alive this piece of history.

The Newspaper article (which was published below in 1990) reads:

A hero of the peace was honored by the royal Air Force on Saturday at an informal ceremony at an RAF station in Lincolnshire. Mr Edward Streets of Barnby Manor Farm, Newark, was presented by a commanding officer, on behalf of the Air Council, with a half- hunter inscribed gold watch — “in recognition of services rendered.”

Behind the prosaic  phrase lay the story of a ‘ gallant action performed last May, when a bomber crashed in a cornfield near Newark Golf Links, and the crew of five perished. 

Mr Streets, who is a farm bailiff to Captain Platt, was the first to reach the blazing machine. He hurried to the front of the plane and there glimpsed the face of a man huddled in the wreckage.  Although the flames were blowing towards him, he went forward, reached out, and by grasping his hand was able to drag the injured aviator clear, put out the flames on his body and strip off his clothes. However the rescued man died two hours later.