Welcome to the Barnby village All Saints’ church blog. Feel free to scroll down and enjoy.
All Saints’ Barnby is now part of the United Benefice of St Giles, Balderton, All Saints, Barnby in the Willows & All Saints, Coddington. Known as B.B.C. churches. The benefice website is currently being updated to reflect this and further information with link will be made available when the content is finished. Details on church services are available by checking the events calendar on this website, or you if you are looking for official church contact details and services, please visit the church page on the ‘A Church Near You’ website, at the following link (will take you to an external website) https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/17741/
In the meantime you can meet the vicar, Revd Louise Holliday here: http://bbc-churches.org.uk/meet-the-vicar/#article
If you have any queries regarding the church please email barnbyallsaints@gmail.com
November 2019
September 2019
Harvest Celebration followed by Lunch at the Village Hall, from 11am
July 2019
Thanks to everyone who supported the church open day and subsequent BBQ at the Willow Tree. £720 was raised which will hopefully pay for broken windows to be repaired. The new church noticeboard is also in place.
June 2019
Songs of Praise – Joint Benefice Service & Picnic from 3pm, Sunday 30th June
All welcome
March 2019
Happiness Lab – 7.30pm every Wednesday through Lent at The Willow Tree
December 2018
Christmas Carol Service & Raffle – Monday 17th December
A wonderfully festive Christmas carol service was led by Rev’d Louise, with readings, prayers, blessings and of course lots of singing!
This was followed by mince pies and tea/coffee at the village hall and the church raffle prize draw.
Congratulations to the winners:
£100 John Lewis vouchers- L Hobbs • Case of wine- C Newton • Hamper- J Newson • Google Home Mini- J&G Gilbert • Bottle of champagne- A Clifford • Bottle of whisky- W Daniels • Whisky miniatures- N Hill • Bottle of port- B Allen • Pointsettia- S Graham • Chocolates- E Hookins • Bottle of wine- J Pollard • Hair products- A Reid
Happy Christmas!
North Aisle Redecoration Completed
The North aisle took more scraping than anticipated as the existing paint was very flaky/unstable, but our volunteer team were keen to get the job finished and the painting is now completed. The bell tower is the only part of the church that is yet to be repainted, however that job can’t begin until after February 2019 when an architect is due to visit and can hopefully advise on the damp/crumbling stonework.
Thanks to Barry, Yvette, Jenni and Janine for all their hard work over the past 2 months. Thanks also to John for his support and encouragement with hot drinks and biscuits, and to Johnno for his help with cleaning up.
November 2018
South Aisle Redecoration Completed
Along with the chancel, the South aisle was the most water damaged part of the church following the theft of the lead from the roof, now 4 years ago! Large patch repairs to the render were required, but the largest area was due to a leaking rainwater downpipe outside. Credit must go to Barry for rising to the challenge by mixing up lime mortar with horse hair donated by “Marco”, a horse from a livery just down the road. Thanks also to Nathan for assisting Barry with the final application. You’ll see that the South aisle which was a later addition to the church, appears to be constructed from brick rather than stone.
October 2018
Nave Redecoration
Services were suspended for October, to allow for professional scaffolding to be installed in the nave for its redecoration. Congratulations and thanks must go to Yvette & Barry on a fantastic job of scraping, sanding and painting the walls. Barry also patch repaired some of the render with a lime mortar, mixed to the Diocesan architect’s specification. Jenni and Janine helped out when they could and the nave was completed/scaffolding removed on All Saints’ Day in time for the church’s patronage service. All Saints’ is now looking lovely with flowers and decorations for the upcoming remembrance service, thanks to Sylvia and Sheila.
Photos below, including some photos of names etched on one of the South windows, presumably of those that have worked on them and an etching dated 1776 on the outside of one of the North side windows (photo has been flipped).
16th September 2018
29th July 2018
7th-8th July 2018
All Saints’ church will be open from 12 noon til 5pm on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday there’ll be a craft stall and tea & coffee will be available in church. You can also pick up a copy of the new information booklet which will be on sale for £5.
27th May 2018
The church looked very pretty for the first wedding of the year. Congratulations to Rev’d Louise’s daughter and her new husband!
16th May 2018 – Thy Kingdom Come, Prayer Walk
24th November 2017
The Friends of All Saints have published a new information booklet which is now available to buy for £5. Thanks to all who provided input, but especially to the author John Kitchen who not only did most of the research, but also designed the booklet once he’d brought all the input together.

12th November 2017
The church is looking splendid for the remembrance service later today

May-July 2017
With the roof work completed work has commenced on preparing and redecorating the chancel which was badly affected by water ingress. The target was to complete the painting of the chancel prior to the 1st wedding of the year on the first weekend of July. The target was met and the 2nd coat completed in time. Painting the nave however will require costly specialist access, due to the placement of the pews and additional height involved. Some photos of the chancel redecoration are below:

19th-21st August 2016
3 Barnby villagers Paul, Janine and Clem, completed a “Calling All Saints” fundraising cycle ride, calling at every All Saints’ church in the Diocese.
The Barnby News article gives more details, <click here>
Below is a picture of the route taken, and a copy of the collage that was given in thanks to all the churches that took part. The group really are very thankful for all the patience, generosity and support they were shown throughout their challenge, particularly given how delayed they became (2+hrs) on day 1 and day 2.
June 2016
It’s 1 year on since the roof was stripped of its remaining lead by theives. The target has just about been reached in terms of funds to complete the roof repairs. The roof repairs are now complete with the exception of a few small last fixes.
Special thanks must go to Yvonne Hewitt. Yvonne has now retired as church warden after 25 yrs, but not before spending many many hours of time and effort into researching and securing grant applications and overseeing the roof repairs.
Please see the article in the Barnby News section written by the current Church warden Yvette, for full details, or click <here>.
It is hoped that a new Vicar will be appointed over the Summer to fill the vacancy left when Tony Tucker retired last Autumn.
With the church now weather tight, attention must turn to internal repairs, so the fundraising goes on. A photo CD/DVD of the roof repairs will be made available in due course, in return for a donation to the church. If you would like to express an interest in receiving this, please email allsaints@barnbyinthewillows.com and you will be notified when it becomes available.
allsaints(at)barnbyinthewillows.com (replace (at) with @)

An online shopping account for the church has been set up at Easyfundraising.org.uk. which raises money for good causes when you shop online with most large retailers. For further information either click the photograph below or click here to go to the Easyfundraising website.
Friends of All Saints Barnby
“Friends of All Saints Barnby”, has been formed to provide assistance to the Church Wardens with fundraising for the church.
The existence of a church in Barnby-in-the-Willows dates back as far as 1086, when reference to a church was written in the Domesday Book. The origins of the current Grade I listed church date back to the 13th Century. The subsequent changes made to the church in 15th and 17th Centuries makes this not only the oldest building in Barnby-in-the-Willows, but one of the oldest and most unusual churches in Nottinghamshire. Services are held every 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11am.
For a more detailed history of the church building and grounds, please visit the Southwell & Nottingham Church History Project website <here>
Click here to see previously featured Barnby News items relating to the church fundraising.
Lead Theft October 2014
Unfortunately there have been many lead thefts from the church roof. In October 2014 the lead was stripped from the roofing and porch on the South side causing damage to the grounds and headstones. An excerpt from the Newark Advertiser article can be been seen below:
Given the previous incidents of theft and the fact that the insurer introduced a cap to the amount payable for any claim for lead theft, approval was obtained to replace the stolen lead mostly with terne coated steel and a quote for the repairs obtained.
Lead Theft June 2015
Unbelievably before work could commence there was a subsequent theft of the remaining lead on the roof meaning a new assessment and quote would be needed. Additionally, agreement had to be reached between the church Architect, Natural England, the roofing contractor and the Bat Conservation Trust due to the church roof being home to a number of bats.
Work starts November 2015
See Barnby News article <here>
February 2016 Status of the Church Appeal
To view full screen over over the bottom right corner of the video, to open in YouTube please click <here>