Parish Council meetings are held bi-monthly, (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sept, Nov), usually on the second Thursday at 7:00pm in the Village Hall – meeting dates will be included in minutes, and on agendas.
The Village Barnby Village Committee organise and run events to raise funds to cover the costs of running the Village Hall, and projects – meetings are held regularly as and when required, usually on a Monday at 7pm – meeting dates will, again, be included in minutes, and on agendas.
Meetings are open to the public, and members of the parish are always very welcome to attend. There is an opportunity for members of the public to speak on any issues they wish to raise – this is done at the start of the meeting, so you don’t have to sit through the whole meeting unless you want to. Items raised will be added to the agenda of the following meeting for formal discussion and review.
The Annual Parish Meeting (May) also provides an open forum for Parishioners to speak on any topic.
- Graham Bett (Chair)
- Jackie Parker (Vice Chair)
- Helen Cowlan (Clerk)
- Carina Jukes
- Ben Powell
- Derick Parker
- Neil Gribby
- Keith Stanton
- Keith Stanton (Chair)
- Vicki Appleby (Vice Chair)
- Gill Powell
- Graham Bett
- Marie Burgess
- Yvette Wellard
- Graham Bett (PC rep ex-officio)
- Helen Cowlan (Clerk ex-officio)