If you haven’t already sent your objection to the industrial-scale wind farm proposed for Fulbeck Airfield, you are not too late! South Kesteven District Council initially set a time limit of October 2nd for comments from the public, but they have had to extend this period because of the size and complexity of the application. As a result, it is unlikely that the proposal will be decided before Spring 2016, and comments from the public will be considered right up until the decision is made.
It’s particularly important that local people make their views clear. The government is putting more and more emphasis on affected local communities, in deciding whether or not a scheme such as this should go ahead. An overwhelming majority of those living nearest to the turbines have already objected, but make no mistake – these turbines WILL affect people in Barnby as well. As you drive, cycle, ride or walk around the local area, the turbines will dominate the landscape. Ten 110 metre high turbines will be highly visible and will change forever the views eastwards out of the village. So please, make your objection now.
In what could be viewed as an attempt to influence the Council in favour of the scheme, it would appear that Energiekontor are offering the Lincolnshire Kart-track association (based on the airfield) a package including complete re-surfacing of the track, provision of lighting and electrical supply on site. This apparently generous offer means that hundreds of keen karters will be writing to South Kesteven District Council in support of the wind farm. Apart from their enthusiasm for karting, they have one other thing in common – very few of them live locally. Is it right that people from as far away as Scotland should have a say in the positioning of a wind farm here? Shouldn’t it be the people who will see the turbines every day?
You can look at the application on the SKDC website, http:/www.southkesteven.gov.uk/planning search , application reference S15/1764.
You can comment online, or write to N.Bryan, SKDC Council Offices, St Peter’s Hill, Grantham, NG31 6PZ. Be sure to include the planning ref: S15/1764.
Please send your comments now – make your voice heard!