Barnby through to the next round of Best Kept Village 2018!

Barnby through to the next round of Best Kept Village 2018!

Barnby has been successful in getting through to the next round of the Notts Best Kept Village Competition 2018!

The judges will be returning some time between 2nd and 20th July, so can everyone please put in that little bit of extra effort to help keep our village welcoming and looking its best.

The competition is run by the Campaign to Protect Rural England charity (CPRE).  Further info can be found at their website (will take you to an external website).


Lincoln-Newark bus 47 service restored for the time being via Barnby

Lincoln-Newark bus 47 service restored for the time being via Barnby

PC Coaches has for the time being restored the stop at Barnby-in-the-willows, on Route 47 between Lincoln and Newark.

This service is apparently currently being monitored to assess passenger numbers and the impact of the level crossing, with a view to a decision being made about its future.  It is understood that PC Coaches had previously received some funding from Nottinghamshire towards the running of this service, but funding was withdrawn due to budget cuts.  Please take a look at the poll below, no personal details are captured.

Would you commit to taking the No 47 bus to Newark or Lincoln in order to keep it via Barnby?

View Results

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If you’re heading into Newark or Lincoln for a couple of hours, please consider using this service.  Not only are you helping the environment by using public transport, you’re helping to keep this service running via Barnby for the few in the village that don’t have easy access to a car and it’s much quicker than the telephone request only service via Fernwood and Balderton.

Local bus timetables can be found on this website under “The Village” menu section, or click <here>

Church fundraising appeal online – now with YouTube Video & Online Donation

Church fundraising appeal online – now with YouTube Video & Online Donation

The church fundraising appeal “Story so far…” can now be viewed online as a 4 minute video presentation on YouTube.  An online charity account has been created at BT Mydonate for any fundraisers out there who may have an idea for a sponsored/fundraising event or donation.  In addition a Gift Aid donation form has also been uploaded  ot the village website which can be completed (in Microsoft Word) and emailed. Funds will be paid directly to Barnby in the Willows Parochial Church Council (PCC) and will be ring fenced by the Treasurer to go towards the upkeep of the building.  Gift Aid will be claimed through the Southwell & Nottingham Diocese who will pass 100% of it on to Barnby PCC as it doesn’t have it’s own HMRC code to claim Gift Aid directly.

Please head over to the updated All Saints church page here on the village website for the full update and links. Don’t forget to share this with your friends far and wide and let’s find the funds to finish this work!  Further details of fundraising events will be shared as soon as they become available. Thanks to all who have given their support so far, we need to keep going!

video screenshot

New Year – New Roof Update

New Year – New Roof Update

The work on the church roof is in full swing.  A new secondary end plate has been installed on both sides of the chancel and rotten timber replaced, which were the additional essential works identified by a structural engineer and detailed in the last update.  The revised quote including this essential work has been received which totals £59,692 + VAT. The VAT can be claimed back through the Listed Buildings Scheme, but will still need to be paid as the invoices are received.

A grant application was going to be made to WREN to help fund the £12,000 needed for the replacement guttering which was planned to start in April.  However, it has since come to light that the new guttering has to be in place before the roof covering can be completed so the guttering has had to be purchased and installed early.  This means an application to WREN for funding can no longer be made as it they will only consider funding for work that has not yet started.   The repair to the gable end coping stones, the temporary covering costs and the Architect/planning fees also need to be added to the final cost.

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Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin,000££55218.10 raised excl. chancel fund55,218££55218.10 raised excl. chancel fund67%



The total of the church roof repair fund currently stands at £55,218.10 (including pledged funds not yet received). The £10,000 chancel fund which the church has saved up over many decades will be used, however that still unfortunately leaves a funding shortfall currently in the region of £18,000.

The church wardens have been working hard to try to raise more funds and request an increase the grants already given, with limited success.  Plans are currently being discussed for fundraising events this year, so please contact the Barnby Parochial Church Council or contact Friends of All Saints <here> if you are able to organise a fundraising activity, this wonderful community building needs ongoing community support to bring it back to being the heart and pride of our beautiful village!

UPDATED: Village Defibrillator moves a step closer

UPDATED: Village Defibrillator moves a step closer

The installation of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED), moved a step closer following the initial fact finding meeting at the Village Hall on Thursday.

UPDATE:  A Barnby specific fundraising account has now been set up by the Community Heartbeat Trust.  If you would like to give a donation please click one of the images below to be taken through to the Community Heartbeat Trust website:

Barnby defibrillator LINK

Mr Martin Fagan of The Community Heartbeat Trust, gave a demonstration of the types of community defibrillator best suited to a village such as Barnby and which more importantly, don’t require specialist training to be used.  The demonstration was well received and Mr Fagan went on to answer the many queries raised regarding use, installation, costs and funding.  The majority of those in attendance agreed that a managed solution such as the one provided by The Community Heartbeat Trust, appeared to be the preferred way forward.  The Parish Council will now seek further information regarding full costs and possible site locations.

donate online


Church roof repairs are GO!

Church roof repairs are GO!

At last, the work has started on repairing All Saints Church roof!

It is anticipated that the roof repair will take approximately 16 weeks, assuming that the roof timbers are still sound following inspection. Fundraising is ongoing and currently stands at £52,263 which is fantastic but we need more!

Church Warden & Treasurer Yvette Wellard detailed in the last paper edition of the Barnby News, that the revised quote for repairs had come in at £43,051 + VAT. This quote is to cover the whole roof in terne-coated steel and assumes that the roof timbers are still sound. The cast iron rainwater guttering and downpipes were also badly damaged which will cost a further £12,500 and there are the additional costs of architects fees and temporary roof coverings.

Of the seventeen charities contacted by Church Warden Yvonne Hewitt, there are still a number of replies outstanding. Some of these charities are charitable trusts that only meet once or twice a year, so it will take time for all the responses to come through, but of the £52,263 raised, £19,750 has come from donations pledged (£16,500 not yet received) by these charities so far.

The response from the community has been amazing with fundraising ranging from coffee mornings to summer concerts and parties, knitting to singing. The BBQ event held by the Willow Tree pub raised in excess of £1,100.  Additionally John & Sheila Reid recently celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary and requested donations in lieu of gifts which raised over £1600!  All this together with gift aided personal donations, has been a fantastic help, THANK YOU!

However, we need to keep going as there is currently no contingency fund to cover unexpected problems and there are always unexpected problems when dealing with repairs to buildings such as this!  Apart from unexpected problems, the damp caused by being without a roof for so long has taken its toll on the internal plasterwork which will need attention after the roof has been fixed.  So with that in mind, please don’t forget to come along to the fundraising coffee morning & afternoon tea this Saturday 21st November, for further details click here

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin,000££52263 raised52,263££52263 raised80%


Scaffolding being erected, which should be finished by the weekend.
Scaffolding being erected, which will take several days before the inspection can begin of the roof timbers.