Church fundraising appeal online – now with YouTube Video & Online Donation

Church fundraising appeal online – now with YouTube Video & Online Donation

The church fundraising appeal “Story so far…” can now be viewed online as a 4 minute video presentation on YouTube.  An online charity account has been created at BT Mydonate for any fundraisers out there who may have an idea for a sponsored/fundraising event or donation.  In addition a Gift Aid donation form has also been uploaded  ot the village website which can be completed (in Microsoft Word) and emailed. Funds will be paid directly to Barnby in the Willows Parochial Church Council (PCC) and will be ring fenced by the Treasurer to go towards the upkeep of the building.  Gift Aid will be claimed through the Southwell & Nottingham Diocese who will pass 100% of it on to Barnby PCC as it doesn’t have it’s own HMRC code to claim Gift Aid directly.

Please head over to the updated All Saints church page here on the village website for the full update and links. Don’t forget to share this with your friends far and wide and let’s find the funds to finish this work!  Further details of fundraising events will be shared as soon as they become available. Thanks to all who have given their support so far, we need to keep going!

video screenshot

Charity Race Night Success at the Willow Tree

Charity Race Night Success at the Willow Tree

The recent charity race night held at the Willow Tree was a great success and an excellent time was had by all.  Below is a message from Kathryn & Brett:

Thank you to everyone who supported us on our race night. Your kindness helped us raise £1885.51 for the families at the local refuge. We have been able to help 4 families so far with gifts of clothing and food. We have also provided children with bedding and teddy bears to make life a little more comfortable upon leaving the safety of the refuge.  Kathryn & Brett.

Brett pops out of the kitchen to follow the race action
Brett pops out of the kitchen to follow the race action
A few remaining 2016 Calendars are still available – now half price

A few remaining 2016 Calendars are still available – now half price

At the January meeting of the Village Hall Committee, the total funds raised for the Village Hall from it’s share of the Christmas coffee morning/afternoon tea and the sale of the 2016 calendars, once costs were deducted, was confirmed at £233.

Thank you to everyone who has given their support.

There are a few remaining calendars which are now at the bargain discounted price of £2.50!  They are available from either the Willow Tree Pub or from Vicki on 626312.

Don’t forget the Parish Council and Village Hall Committee meeting minutes can be found right here on this website! Just head to the Parish Council menu heading at the top of each page and select it from the drop down menu.


New Year – New Roof Update

New Year – New Roof Update

The work on the church roof is in full swing.  A new secondary end plate has been installed on both sides of the chancel and rotten timber replaced, which were the additional essential works identified by a structural engineer and detailed in the last update.  The revised quote including this essential work has been received which totals £59,692 + VAT. The VAT can be claimed back through the Listed Buildings Scheme, but will still need to be paid as the invoices are received.

A grant application was going to be made to WREN to help fund the £12,000 needed for the replacement guttering which was planned to start in April.  However, it has since come to light that the new guttering has to be in place before the roof covering can be completed so the guttering has had to be purchased and installed early.  This means an application to WREN for funding can no longer be made as it they will only consider funding for work that has not yet started.   The repair to the gable end coping stones, the temporary covering costs and the Architect/planning fees also need to be added to the final cost.

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Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin,000££55218.10 raised excl. chancel fund55,218££55218.10 raised excl. chancel fund67%



The total of the church roof repair fund currently stands at £55,218.10 (including pledged funds not yet received). The £10,000 chancel fund which the church has saved up over many decades will be used, however that still unfortunately leaves a funding shortfall currently in the region of £18,000.

The church wardens have been working hard to try to raise more funds and request an increase the grants already given, with limited success.  Plans are currently being discussed for fundraising events this year, so please contact the Barnby Parochial Church Council or contact Friends of All Saints <here> if you are able to organise a fundraising activity, this wonderful community building needs ongoing community support to bring it back to being the heart and pride of our beautiful village!

UPDATED: Village Defibrillator moves a step closer

UPDATED: Village Defibrillator moves a step closer

The installation of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED), moved a step closer following the initial fact finding meeting at the Village Hall on Thursday.

UPDATE:  A Barnby specific fundraising account has now been set up by the Community Heartbeat Trust.  If you would like to give a donation please click one of the images below to be taken through to the Community Heartbeat Trust website:

Barnby defibrillator LINK

Mr Martin Fagan of The Community Heartbeat Trust, gave a demonstration of the types of community defibrillator best suited to a village such as Barnby and which more importantly, don’t require specialist training to be used.  The demonstration was well received and Mr Fagan went on to answer the many queries raised regarding use, installation, costs and funding.  The majority of those in attendance agreed that a managed solution such as the one provided by The Community Heartbeat Trust, appeared to be the preferred way forward.  The Parish Council will now seek further information regarding full costs and possible site locations.

donate online


Christmas Carol Service 2015

Christmas Carol Service 2015

The Christmas spirit was in full flow despite the scaffolding around the church and the unseasonably warm weather, at the annual Christmas Carol Service.


There was also a surprise for Mrs Barbara Hill who was presented with a long service award by Barnby Parish Council Chairman Graham Bett.
Mrs Hill has recently stepped down from the Parish Council after 45 years!

Long service award

Church Roof Timbers Inspection

Church Roof Timbers Inspection

Initial inspection of the church roof timbers unfortunately found there was some concern regarding the condition of the timbers due to beetle damage which required the services of a structural engineer.

The structural engineer attended last week and his report has identified essential remedial works that must to be carried out before the replacement roof can be installed.

A secondary end plate needs to be installed along both sides of the chancel as the original one is no longer providing sufficient support.  Additionally some of the timbers are completely rotten and require replacing.  The cost of this work is not yet known but is in addition to the cost of the works already identified.  The gable end coping is also loose and requires resetting and re-pointing at a cost of £1300.

Once the cost difference between using tanalised wood rather than oak has been obtained, the work can hopefully begin.


North side chancel gable end. Test drilling found the first section of timber to be rotten, so it will need to be replaced up to the purlin (approx 2 metres). In addition, the gable end coping is very loose and will need resetting/repointing.
North side chancel gable end. Test drilling found the first section of timber to be rotten, so it will need to be replaced up to the purlin (approx 2 metres). In addition, the gable end coping is very loose and will need resetting/repointing.


Sth Side Chancel
South side chancel showing the timbers in better condition, but the existing end plate at the top of the photo is not sufficiently supporting the repaired rafters. Some of the individual blocks that were placed underneath as additional support could be moved. A secondary end plate must be installed, each length will support 3 rafters and be fastened through to the wall using steel rod so that it cannot move.


North side chancel rotten rafter which will need replacing up to the purlin (approx 2 metres)
North side chancel rafter which is completely rotten where it meets the end plate and will need replacing up to the purlin (approx 2 metres)


Structural engineer drawing 1
Structural engineer drawing showing where the new end plate lengths will be introduced.


Structural engineer drawing 1
Structural engineer drawing showing how the end plate lengths will be fixed.


Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin,000££52820 raised52,820££52820 raised81%

Now for the good news, which is that the nave already has a second end plate installed, so doesn’t need any remedial work – phew!

The fundraising goes on, as you can see we still have a way to go, but that’s the challenge!!! 
Thanks again to all who have supported so far!

Barnby Villager Yvette Curry, is currently offering for a limited time, door garlands for £12.50 each with £2.50 going towards the church roof fund and grave posies £12.50 with £2.50 going towards church roof.  There is limited availability, so please contact her on for more information or if you’re on Facebook, via the Barnby in the Willows Facebook page (link to external site which is not the responsibility of the Parish Council – click here)

Thanks to those of you who have registered with Easyfundraising and shopped online over the past few weeks.  Every penny helps!