It looks as though March is going to be busy month as far as turbines are concerned. We are at long last expecting that the application for 5 x 126.5 meter high turbines at Temple Hill will go before South Kesteven Planning Committee tftis month. (This application has been delayed for over a year while some additional information was gathered, and has been further delayed in the last few months because of planning officers’ workloads.) We very much hope that the application will be turned down: both Barnby Parish Council and Newark and Sherwood District Council have objected to the scheme because of the detrimental effect it will have on views from Barnby over the unspoilt rural landscape eastwards towards the Lincoln Cliff.
Meanwhile, the scheme for a wind farm on Fulbeck Airfield may also be submitted to South Kesteven later this month, if Energiekontor stick to the timetable outlined at their presentation in February at Stubton Village Hall. This scheme will be far more damaging for our area, because it is for twice as many turbines and because Fulbeck Airfield is only 3.5km from Barnby. The turbines will be an unavoidable feature of our landscape as we walk in the countryside or drive to and fro. With the 3 x 126.5 metre high turbines already approved at Hawton, 4 more under appeal, and 6 proposed at Long Bennington, our landscape is going to be blighted by these industrial-scale structures in every direction.
You should by now have received a leaflet and some survey forms from VETO, a group of local residents from affected villages who believe that industrial-scale wind farms should only be sited in appropriate locations, NOT in unspoilt countryside. Please take the time to read the leaflet and fill in the form (it will only take a few minutes) and return it to Celia Derbyshire at Barnby Hall or Janette Barlow at Gables Cottage. The more people object to this wind farm, the more chance we have of getting it turned down. YOUR OPINION MATTERS — PLEASE HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE.