Barnby-in-the-Willows School 1937
Back row from left to right – John Troop, Bernard White, Amy Troop, Baden Troop, Margie Vessey, Joan Grundy, Dennis Mills, Albert Carby.
Centre row from left to right – Mrs Fox, Nora White, Joyce Edwards, Frank Pollard, Jim Patman, Ken Mills, Sid Parker, Jim Marshall, Nancy Vessey, Miss Vessey, Nellie Parker, Joyce Marshall.
Front row left to right – Muriel Mastin, unknown, Jan Mastin, Freda Carby, Lucy Carby, Annie Troop, John Easter, Leslie Fox.
The photograph above was taken during the Coronation Year of George VI, Mrs Fox, the Headmistress and Junior Teacher, is on the left and Miss Vessey, the Infants Teacher, is behind on the right.