Barnby Cricket Team 1922
Back row from left to right – J P Vessey, A Grocock, E W Tindall, E W Vessey (Captain), W Vessey, C Johnson,
A G Vessey, R Grocock.
Front Row from left to right – E Grocock (Umpire), H Grocock, S G Vessey, J G Vessey, T Mills, H Shipsides,
W Watson (Umpire).
Centre front – W Hadfield (Scorer)
In 1935 the new vicar was Reverend Harry Walton L.Th. of Durham University. In 1941 Barnby Manor was now the residence of Captain Charles John Frederick Platt, although his mother, Norah, was still living there. Their staff consisted of: William G Hurrell, chauffeur; Charles Johnson, gardener; Jack Marstin, stud-groom; Thomas Hollis Sheldon, farmer; Rd. Simpson, gamekeeper; and Edward Street, bailiff. Other notable residents were: Mrs Ethel E Vessey, grocer; Thomas Mills, beer retailer; Miss Mary E Hoyes, grocer; Mr John Edwin Miles of Barnby House and William McGregor of Flawford.